As strong and deep as our kiss

What are we going to do in this hotel room? The atmosphere was quiet, the light looks dim. Maybe this is why it was named a love hotel, it was perfect for couples to spend the night together.

I can only sit tensely on the sofa with my hands sandwiched between my thighs, it feels like the room temperature was too cold to make me bite my lip, ah .. is this just my feeling.

Mario stood up after hearing the sound of knocking on the door ahead as if the food order had arrived.

As the sound of his approaching footsteps makes me feel the aura of this room was getting even stranger.

He put the food box on the table, I could only pull a faint smile, Riska knows how to behave, weirds feel awkward like this.

"I ordered pasta and a fresh drink, would you like to try it?" His voice sounded friendly.

I lifted my chin slightly so I could see his face.

I have no words. He was very handsome. He has already taken off his hoodie, he was wearing a black shirt with a screen print of the fashion brand that was popular for young people.

I stare at his face He was very handsome. His eyes were shaped like crescent moons as he smiled and let laughed. The wrinkles at the edges of the sharp nose, the two fangs slightly pointed.

Seeing my face then he chuckled, although only a small laugh but looks so cute, Yes .. his facial expression looks so beautiful right now. I didn't see the anxiety and sadness on that face.

"Mario .." I suddenly called his name.

"Um .. "he didn't answer with words, just cleared his throat and it made my heart tremble.

His hands are busy unpacking the food box, reaching out to me who was sitting on the sofa while he sits on the carpet, he looks busy with his cheerful face. You're making me feel even more embarrassed, handsome!

"Want to try which pasta first?" he asked pointing to two boxes of pasta in front of us.

I got off the sofa, sat on the carpet like her, I folded my legs and saw the pasta box on the table.

Pasta with cheese sauce or with ketchup, I see the color difference.

"Which one do you like?" I asked him back.

"I like both of them. How about you?" Ah, wasn't that a diplomatic answer? He deliberately didn't want to choose first and asked me to choose first.

I opened the first box, pasta with cheese sauce, took a spoon. "Then let's try the tastes one by one so we know which one we prefer," I begged.

He nodded with a smile on his lips.

He kept both his hands, watching me who began to carefully scoop the paste, I felt that he continued to stare at my face. Even though I focus on looking at my spoon but the look in his eyes made me nervous.

He turned slightly, pushed the table. so that he can sit facing me.

I was surprised, saw the table pushed by him. He smiled at the expression on my face then opened his mouth.

You're making me even more confused Mario, he asked me to feed him.

Geez! You're acting so cute.

I fed him the first spoon, waiting a few seconds for his response. "Is it good?" I asked impatiently.

He nodded his head quickly, he was very cute in my eyes.

Now he takes the spoon in my hand, takes over what I've been doing. He takes a spoon and feeds me, he says Ah, and asks me to open my mouth, just like he was.

I hid my flushed face after receiving the bribe from his hand. Maybe I was so nervous that the food is still stuck to my lips.

"Wait a minute .." he said, he raised his thumb and gently wiped the surface of my lips.

My face was really on fire. I'm embarrassed.

What has he done? He even licked the tip of his thumb.

"CK, what are you doing?" I grumbled with a flushed face.

I pulled his hand, I don't like him doing that. Besides, I'm afraid he might even lick my lip stain.

Both of my hands hold his arm muscles which look strong. Ah, he has muscles now, his body was growing well, he takes very good care of himself.

I became fixated on the biceps peeking out from the sleeve of the black shirt he was wearing.

"Why?" He asked in surprise, he saw where I put my eyes.

His face was flushed, he covered his arm muscles with the hem of the short shirt he was wearing.

"I've seen it." I teased his flushed face. He seems shy.

"Tsk, I just studied at the gym .." he whispered in an embarrassed voice.

"Ah, you've become a grown man huh. Now your muscles feel so strong." I said

She lowered her head, "I have to be the man that suits you. Look, you've become a beautiful girl with long hair. You grew up so well. I couldn't even recognize you. Until now I still can't believe that in front of me was a teenage girl who has hair like this before!" He raised his hand, signaling the length of his shoulder-length hair. In the past, my hair was that long.

"I bet you are one of the most popular girls on campus. " I shook my head, answered no to Mario's opinion.

"You're wrong, I'm still the same. I'm still quiet and introverted. I can't talk to many people, I also don't have many friends on campus." I muttered, telling the truth.

Mario stared at my face until I looked back at him until our eyes met each other for quite a long time.

"Do you have a lover?" Mario's question pissed me off.

He saw my face changed and rounded his eyes.

"If I have a lover why do I ask you to date? "I hissed irritably.

"I thought you were kidding. You know I'm married and have a wife and even a baby. I think it's just words that come out when you are upset and disappointed."

I took a deep breath listening to his words. "Sometimes, the honesty comes out when we're angry and upset."

Mario nodded slightly. "Ah, how about that. We've only tried one, do you want to try the other one?" He asked as his hands took another box of pasta.

I nodded my head. I have no interest in this paste. Our chat earlier made me feel sad again.

"What is wrong?" He asked as he noticed the change in expression on my face.

"I'm disappointed that you are married. But. I still like you." I whispered in a muffled voice.

Ah, it feels so tight and painful. You are with me but you are not mine. You make me happy but I know we can't be happy in this way.

I bowed deeply, please don't cry! Ah .. but my chest feels so heavy and suffocating.

He raised his hand, watching my fallen hair so he could see my sad face.

"Bey .." his voice was so low and shaking. I can't turn around and show my face like this.

He called my name once again and it made me even more unbearable! I cry, cry again.

"Mario .." my voice caught in my throat, mentioning his name.

"Bey, look at me! " He holds my face with his wide palms.

He pulled me in his arms, hugged me tightly. I can hear the roar of his heavy and fast breathing.

"Bey .." he hissed.

Stop calling my name Mario. I wanted to say that but I didn't. I put my arms around his waist, returned his hug.

He's looking for my face. Staring at this pitiful face.

"I love you, Bey!" He whispered between his sizzling lips, there was a deep, heavy feeling from those lips. As strong and deep, as our kiss met.