Ah, I'm crazy!

This atmosphere makes me can't help but ask, I want to know more about you.

I can no longer hide my curiosity. What's the matter?

all this makes up a lot of puzzles.

Makes a lot of questions that are difficult to understand. What kind of relationship between the two of them and this relaxed was it meant by marriage. This is so absurd.

"Hello, my name is Dave, whose aunt's name is? "I patted Mario's shoulder exasperatedly. His voice mimicking children's voices invites bitter laughter on my lips.

"What did you say, auntie!" I said with a sullen face. Mario nodded innocently

"I'm a year old and this is my dad." Mario pointed at himself with Dave's finger, the baby was sleeping in Mario's arms.

I stopped my laughter, instantly. It's not funny for a girl who waits for so long for her boyfriend that he comes and shows off his warm family, Mario! don't joke anymore.

I glanced at Mario's face with annoyance then lay down on the sofa. Mario followed me to sit on the sofa. Before that, he put Dave in the room. The baby was fast asleep.

"I married Sofia two years ago"

Mario sighed as if he had prepared a lot of energy to start his story. I'm listening seriously

I'm looking forward to you telling the story of your life that was like a mystery.

"I have to marry Sofia, she is very nice to me" I confirmed my seat and continued to put on a serious face listening to Mario's story.

His face was lowered, there was a heavyweight that I could see on his chest.

"We decided to get married, I could never go to school and live without Sofia," Mario continued with a lowered voice, he looked depressed. Ah, sad face. I don't like Mario's sad face.

Mario's eyes wandered blankly

"Her family picked me up from the street"

I'm stunned. How could a man as handsome as Mario be dumped on the streets? This didn't enter my mind but I continued to listen without interrupting Mario's sentence.

"I spent the day standing behind Sofia, she always defended me against her father,"

He told me how Sofia's family was, how he was in that family. How Sofia's father treated him like trash.

Sofia's father was very strict. I listened to Mario's story. Her eyes filled with tears every time he mentioned the name of the great master.

Sofia's father never played with threats. The man named Widjaya was very cruel and sadistic.

He was an entrepreneur who uses all means to become a successful and great person.

Several times I stuttered and was shocked by Mario's story. Is there such a cruel person in this world? The man was not only mean to Mario, but also to his daughter, Sofia.

I couldn't possibly be able to live a life like him. My father never spoke harshly, let alone angry and threatening. I can't imagine my position as Mario.

He was picked up from the street. Feeling living in the palace but in slavery to the king. That's my term for the story I just heard

"like Sofia's kind to me, I must repay her kindness"

Mario took a deep breath, leaning his back

"I have to marry Sofia, hide her relationship with Alex .."

His voice got lower and lower. Mario shrugged his shoulders, lazy to continue his story.

"why not try to be honest with Sofia's father, that you are not a lover or the man who impregnated her daughter .." in a voice as soft as possible I tried to give an opinion.

I'm afraid of the wrong word. I like this man too much. I don't want him to get hurt more. I am very afraid that my words will hurt her feelings. Mario stared at me for a few seconds.

"Maybe I and Sofia will die "

I'm at a loss for words. My head was suddenly empty.

Until Mario's hand lifted my chin, his touch made me awake. He brought his head closer. Cut the distance between our faces. His finger is still perched on the tip of my chin, touching warm. I saw his lips slightly parted.

His left hand slowly rubbed my head. I feel his warm palm running down my long hair.

I raised both hands and leaned on Mario's shoulders. His hands rested on top of my head, felt heavy, and slightly pressed my head. His face looks exasperated, in silence we just stare at each other for a long time.

The sound of our hearts beating fast.

His sad face started to fade, His gaze on mine was warm.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the silence. I enjoy being together in our silence. Just sitting next to you makes me feel happy and calm.

Slowly I opened my eyes. Turned towards my beloved man. Raised my head from his shoulder.

I looked at him close and deep. Again and again, I could see the shape of the corners of his eyes.

The tip of his sharp, perfect-looking nose, his seductive lips. I've always liked you!

Mario smiled, he bit his lip, His face was so adorable. His right hand gently stroked my hair. Occasionally he smoothed my hair that fell on my face.

Your little treatment makes me feel very happy.

I'm too happy.

The fact that he and Sofia were never in a relationship was a huge relief to me. Now his palm gently stroked my cheek, rubbing gently there.

The warmth of his hand was getting hotter. Spread throughout my body. Makes things seem like they're going out of control.

We can't just stare at each other for a long time like this. This turmoil in the chest has been buried for so long, plus the longing that has accumulated, and last night's failure.

Ah, I'm crazy!

Mario buried his head on my shoulder. The comfortable leaning there made my heart beat fast.

I have swept away in a feeling that swayed my heart without resting, He could hear it.

Be beside him. Feeling his existence with me. Even though I was quietly among the ticking clocks on the wall, I enjoyed it.

We enjoy it.

Especially with a sweet kiss between our thirsty lips.

Mario lifted his head slowly, his eyes different now. My heart continued to beat making a warm feeling.

With great feeling, Mario grabbed my lips. Slow and rhythmic mashing.

This time I was able to respond quickly and experienced. I put my arms around his neck. He gently stroked the skin of my neck to my open shoulders.

The roar of his breath grew faster and felt warm on the side of my ear. Make latent desire peaked. Mario kissed every inch of my exposed skin. Now, his palms began to move in a circle to my waist.

Are you serious about the baby you spoke to before?