Who are you

Pov. Bey who is still sleeping in bed

I woke up by the smell of warm chocolate that pierced into my nose, its fragrant smell like entering my deep sleep

"oh it's morning"

I stretched my body, stretching the muscles that felt stiff. my husband casually stepped from the front there, the sound of his sandals slightly startled me. Reo smiled into the room and approached me, in his hand was a cup of warm chocolate. Aaah... the smell is tempting

my husband handed me the glass complete with his beautiful smile in the morning that seemed strange to me, I didn't accept it right away, there was something I had to do first,

I grabbed a small towel around his neck, reached for my husband's head, I saw the ends of his hair still dripping water, I helped him dry his hair

the man obeyed, I wiped his hair with a towel, knelt on the ends of my knees, his broad back with the remnants of a splash of tears stole my eyes, Reo was not wearing his shirt