He cheated behind your back

The girl continued to sob, She cackled, now and then there was a hiccup sound, a sign of how deep she was crying, the cold air was getting worse. Raindrops began to fall as if they understood the giddiness experienced by him

Bey's tears are still falling even though now her cries are silent, A beautiful face is lowered down, She doesn't have the energy anymore to spill the remnants of her feelings at this time, The raindrops that have started to wet Bey's body seem to replace the tears that have started to dry, Hair the length began to drip drops of rain that stopped, The breeze added to the cold that bit the skin, The girl was still reluctant to move

Mario grabbed his black umbrella, He ran across the deserted street, With his chest rumbling his footsteps were as fast as he could pedal, Mario looked at Bey's trembling back, He gave time for his woman to pour out all her emotions, At that moment it started to rain.