I will Divorce


everything looks amazing, I can't take my eyes off the beautiful photos displayed here, I was so mesmerized that I didn't realize the owner was standing behind me

"Do you like it?" The deep voice startled me, made my heart rumble

deg.. deg... deg !!

Like a familiar voice, I immediately turned around, sure enough, he was a person I knew, I slightly raised my face, the man smiled broadly at my face


Ah... he smiled broadly like no burden, made his face look handsome and charming, I immediately looked away, I can't be like this, Be aware Bey, you are married!

That smile contains a lot of poison

"Do you like it?" asked Mario again

"Ah...yes, yeah... I like it" I stammered, my face felt hot when the word like came out of my mouth. I realized he was asking about his work, not about himself but my mind was imagining if it was a trick question, What thought is this!