She was my first love

At the hospital, Nico and Theo meet Mario.

"You… Why are you spending time here?" Mario sighed at Theo's question.

"Who are you waiting for?" Mario couldn't answer the question and Theo's curious face.

The nurse left the room, making Mario rise from his position, followed by Theo. He just followed Mario.

"May I come in?" Mario asked with a pleading look.

"Only one person can enter, and use full medical clothes " the nurse reminded him, Mario nodded. He couldn't get in, he wouldn't leave Theo and Nico, in the end, he just stared through the glass wall.

Theo followed Mario, a little closer. He saw the woman lying there. Even though the woman's face was covered with a tube, he could still see the face of the sleeping princess there.

the furrowed his brows. He clearly doesn't understand. What the hell is this? A complicated circle of relationships.