Kiss me now

Investigators searched every corner of the house. Darwin sat limply. Theo still froze. He didn't know what to do here. This house is very unfamiliar to him. He had never even been in it.

Mario tried to sweep the room. Flashbacks of memories in this house seemed to pass indistinctly. Mariah's voice that woke him up, Maria's voiced when called his name

"Daniel .." the voice continued sounding and echoed in Mario's memory. The image of a face with a wide smile repeatedly appeared and disappeared. Mario's eyelids heated up, tears fell. He could remember a few of his fond memories in this house. Memories of that childhood, full of pain and sorrow. Full of excitement and anger. it was still here, there's still a little left, besides Bey's warm face now Mario can remember his mom's cheerful face

Shortly after, Mario's joints weakened. He seemed unable to stand up anymore. Mario fell to his knees. Darwin got up from his chair and walked over to Mario.