S2-04 country girl

"Hey, you! Wait a minute!" Via followed Azka's steps. Pulled Azka's strong arm and forced the man to turn around, face her. You are a pushy girl.

Azka is too lazy to deal with women who have been labeled as weird!

"What else do you want from me? If only I knew, you're the same girl as yesterday. Duh. I'm sorry to have good ideas with you!" Azka said honestly with an irritated face.

"Hah. What good expectations. You're a morale destroyer, man. Don't think you've been caught red-handed and dodged! I saw you!" Via challenged Azka's face sharply.

"Come on, hey." Azka is annoyed.

"We're not kids. What's so interesting about you? You think I'm crazy!"

Oh. Okay. Via noticed the look in Azka's eyes that swept her appearance from head to toe. It was to be expected. This man and the others were the same. The same as yesterday's colleagues. Deri's cocky friends, he's part of the arrogant and haughty city man!

"Listen to me, yes, uncle!" Via sneered