A Single Push

As the clear blue sky became their new ceiling, Nikolai began to regain movement. Without the potion that Yuxi gave him, he would have taken a bit more time. He touched his neck where she grabbed him, her words still fresh in his mind.

'Is this what you fear?'

It was. Nikolai hated that he was in a position where she could do that for him, even to prove that she wouldn't hurt him. Yuxi gave him the potion when he couldn't move, but it sat in his stomach like disgusting sewage water.

'Maybe I should be grateful, but I'm fucking not.' Nikola retracted his hand and turned toward the mute archer, grabbing her bow and standing beside the railings.

He stood up and hobbled toward her. His darkness muffled his steps until he was right behind her, his hands raised. All he could think of was this:

'A single push and I can rest easy...'