An Executor

"Ugh," the priest groaned as Ash threw him in the camp's infirmary. Ash stared at the man with hatred before sighing. He has needlessly endangered his life to save another.

Life taught him better.

Ash cannot remember how it began, but somehow, he learned to avoid being a hero. There were times, as a kid, when he pretended to be one, and his sister praised him. But, that was before Hyde's gang killed her.

It always made him wonder whether his sister's belief only lived within him when she was alive. After her death, Ash could not remember how life was. However, he can remember that he needed to change, and he did.

This was how Ash turned from a foolish kid to a fence who killed those who threatened him. However, as he was finally about to get revenge, Ash realized that some things refused to change.

"I did what makes you proud, Mary," sighed the fence as his head rested on his arms. "How about you let me protect my ass from now on?"