Mice and Cats with Guns

The KHG was known to place great importance on the security of the citizens. Many argued that it was simply to be seen in a good light, however no one could deny just how much that statement was true.

Every time a dungeon threatened the security of a city, the KHG would go to immense lengths to protect everyone around. This was the case with the world-type dungeon that had appeared in that playground. More than fifty agents had already been deployed and Seneos started to really doubt he could actually sneak through them.

He could just run towards the portal, however, he was an f rank hunter. A bullet would kill him. He had decided to wait until night fell and then started to make a plan.

The agents were patrolling all around the perimeter and a few staff members from the KHG were analyzing the dungeon, just to make sure it hadn't received a wrong rank during the initial process.

The only thing that made Sen smile ever so slightly was the mass of journalists that was pestering the agents. Seneos was never popular enough to actually hate those people, so they were more than useful in his eyes.

Unfortunately, there wasn't enough to attract all the agents. Only a dozen were trying to push the journalists away. But that is when a light bulb lit in his head.

He looked to his right, where he believed his invisible guide was and whispered.

"Can you say something to rile them up ? They won't know it came from you and will assume it came from one of them. Make it so that they fight or something like that, it will attract much more attention. But be sure to return right away, I'll need you to distract the rest of the agents." Seneos explained his plan. Before the guide could go though, another thought graced his mind.

"Wait...I only just noticed, but it's going to be annoying as hell if you don't have a name or something like that." He said as he hid behind the wall of a poorly lit alley, right behind a closed cafe.

The voices hummed once more before responding.

"Give me a name then, Overlord. I do not put any importance behind my own existence, even despite my emotions. I wouldn't be able to find any good name for myself." She proposed. Anyone would have realized their mistakes once they saw Sen grin like a madman, however, she didn't.

"Very well then...Vodka, it shall be." He exclaimed. The voices hummed as if the being was testing the name in it's mind to see if it was good.

"I have limited data on many things called Vodka. The one that pops up the most is a well-liked beverage from a nation called.....The Soviet Union ?" It spoke the name with some uncertainty.

"Ah....That would be incorrect, a bit at least. " Sen said to himself. Before the newly named Vodka could ask what was incorrect in what she had said, Sen told her to quickly act.

Some of the reporters were already leaving. The agents of the KHG had been showing their weapons a bit too much and it started to unnerve the ones who weren't used to deal with the organization.

"Are you really threatening us with your guns ? I don't think that vice-president of yours would approve" One of the reporters, a petite woman with red hair, barked at the agents. The one who was the closest to her clicked his tongue before glaring at her.

" We received our order from someone higher than that, so leave the perimeter at once. We won't hesitate if you go beyond those lines." The agent said, pointing at the red lines that had been traced on the sand of the playground. The KHG only used barriers or the likes when the agents weren't allowed to do anything to the bystanders. That wasn't the case this time, and the reporters all gulped when they realized it.

It wasn't unusual for the KHG to actually bluff with those red lines, but this time the agents looked a bit too serious. The woman who had previously spoken wasn't one to be scared by such threats, however.

"Go on. You don't know if one of us is a hunter. I don't think you were given permission to shoot down hunters, but I could be wrong...." The woman smiled sweetly at the agent who took a step back.

"Am I though ?" She questioned him.

Seeing that she refused to comply, the man was about to take out his handgun. That was until another feminine voice was heard in the crowd.

"Hmmm...Why is that bitch acting so full of herself ?"

Hearing this, the journalists all froze. They looked at each other, wondering who had dared to say such a thing until they realized there were actually only two women in the crowd. The redhead turned around and looked at the other woman, a taller and much more attractive one with long blonde hair.

"The hell did you just say ?!" The redhead snarled a finger pointing accusingly at the reporter from a company rival to hers.

"Wait, what ? I didn't say anything !" The blonde pointed a finger at herself and shook her head vehemently. However, it did nothing to calm her redheaded rival who immediately started to throw insults at her. Instead of defending herself, the blonde responded with the same venom and none of the other reporters did anything to separate them.

Seeing this, the agents stepped in to intervene, one of them talking in his walkie-talkie to call in other agents. They would be blamed if anyone was injured without stepping in the perimeter, and they weren't about to risk their jobs for some easily angered reporters.

Seeing the success of his plan's first step, Sen snickered before making his way towards the playground. He quickly reached the vehicles of the KHG's staff members and hid behind a huge truck that was only a few meters from the dungeon. His next problem came in the form of the two staff members working on their computers. They looked way too focused to be willing to move anytime soon, so he would need to give them a little push.

He felt something beside him, and before he could jump, he heard Vodka's voices.

"It appears to have worked. It is good that I have some data on how humans insult each other. Up to date data at that. "

Seneos nodded before looking over at the two staff members in grey coats. His eyes swept over the area, searching for anything that could serve as a distraction. In the end, his eyes settled on something that wasn't too far nor too close to them. They needed to hear Vodka, but not be able to return to their position too quickly.

"I want you to distract them. Perhaps, hmmm..Ah yes. Go behind that car and call for them. Act like you are that frowning girl in the car." Sen laid out his plan while pointing at the car that was the furthest away from his position. A girl frowning at her phone could be seen inside, at the driver's seat.

"Wouldn't it be faster to just make some noise behind them and then rush inside ?" Vodka asked in a child-like voice.

"It could work, but I don't want to risk it. I would rather not have agents of the KHG running after me inside the dungeon. They will be suspicious because of what happened, but she is talking to someone on her phone I think. It will work hopefully. "

With that said, Vodka set into motion and a serious female voice was soon heard. Vodka had done as instructed and the staff members left their seats, prompting Seneos to make a run for it.

Before he could reach the portal, he heard the crowd in the back getting even louder. He only threw them a glance and saw that another group had arrived. He stepped inside the portal right as his eyes connected with the concealed ones of a woman wearing a loosely wrapped blindfold.

He passed right through it with no problems but didn't stop. He needed to get away as quickly as possible, just in case they entered the dungeon for some reason.

Vodka followed right behind him but did stop to look at the new group. They had silenced the reporters with their arrival so they appeared a bit interesting, especially with their strange outfits. She believed they came from another country, not that far from the one she had found herself in. She heard the voice of the man at the front as he smiled arrogantly at the agents.

She could somewhat understand the language, but the agents obviously couldn't if their confused frowns were of any indications. It was the one that had previously threatened the redhead who spoke, not even responding to the man leading the group directly.

"What the hell is that guy even saying ? Freaking hunters of the rising sun, they won't learn our language and yet can't even make efforts to speak some damn English !"


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