Finally Found out

"What do you think it will be, will our guild leader win?" my boss asked the player beside her.

I've heard of a character with the nickname "Dark69" somewhere, but where?

After trying to remember carefully, I finally remembered. And apparently, the character with the nickname "Dark69" is… me.

"That's my hacked account," I said. "But… never mind, after all, I don't play it anymore. But more importantly, the two of them are talking about the guild leader, right? Then… between my boss and the player, I recognize. Wait a minute, then that means she…" I turned to the side, right where my boss is, "my guild members?" I shook my head quickly. "No, no, no, that's impossible."

"I don't know," replied the player. "Possibly… this will be his first defeat."

The player's words took me a little by surprise and questioned how my character could lose. Honestly, I didn't expect that my account character was so strong, even my account character was so famous on Indonesian servers, many people knew the strength of my account character. But, why was this player talking about something that surprised me? Doesn't he trust the character of my account?

And I became even more surprised after my boss turned her head at him.

"He…." I paused to see the player's face.

"What do you mean? Why do you hesitate with your friends? You have been friends with me for many years, even to the point of creating this guild, but why do you say that?" my boss frogs.

I recognized the male player who had white hair. He was my first friend in the game after I explored all the game places alone for 1 year, and he was also the last person with me before my account was hacked. He is Bagas.

"You know, somehow he looks like a different person who plays his character. I still remember clearly how he boasted of his Katana on Mount Himura, 2 years ago, and used his skill to cut the head of the Black Dragon. But somehow, after that, I feel he is different like he is not. He's a great person, silly, and also always makes the atmosphere comfortable..." Bagas smiled, before finally, he changed his face to be serious, "but now, he's not like that anymore."

"Yeah, you're a little bit right too even though I rarely see him. Me too-"

"You know, Tiara..." Bagas cut off her words, "ten years ago, I was taught by him how to be a true adventurer. He is my teacher, even I was willing to waste my money to be with him. I built a guild and made him the leader. and invite you to join, before finally he suddenly became famous for completing the 100th Floor Labyrinth, and after that many approached him. Even so, he always wanted to divide his time just to teach me to play, even until I can become great like this."

Bagas's words brought tears to my eyes and reminded me of playing the game ENTER OF ADVENTURE.

Since this game was released, 11 years ago, many people have flocked to buy these gaming devices, including computers and others — because this is the first time Indonesia has made a VRMMORPG themed game, so the public welcomes it warmly.

At that time many of the same games were circulating, either from Europe or from Asia, but only the ENTER OF ADVENTURE game gave players the freedom to adventure, so most people would choose this game, as well as me who was 16 years old at the time.

My dad bought me the game device, making me play the game ever since the game was released. When playing it, I'm always alone exploring the game places because of my hobby too. After one year of exploring, after I discovered many secrets in the game, I met a new player who was having trouble adapting to playing the game, who was none other than Bagas.

I taught him all kinds of things, from how to use a weapon to how to commit suicide — to be able to return to town for free. He also became close to me, even to the point of wanting to waste his money just to build a guild for me and make me the leader of the guild, even though I didn't ask him to.

When my guild was first built, only five people entered, namely Kahfi, Helena, Tiara, Joko, and Elvina. Because the game has been released 1 year ago and there are many better guilds, my guild is quiet, and very few have entered. But fortunately, some new players wanted to enter and Tiara wanted to find other members.

We had a dispute because I was the leader who couldn't do anything to find members, even some of them wanted to replace me from the position of leader and give it to Tiara — blame Bagas for making me... leader. After all, I typically like to explore places rather than taking care of those problems.

However, after I discovered the most secret, my name became famous for being able to complete the 100th Floor Labyrinth by myself, and at that time many wanted to enter my guild, they even flocked to enter my guild.

My account character items and equipment are quite a step, many questioned that when I became famous, even from them they thought I was number one in Indonesia because of my good and strong items.

Even if you think about it, I didn't spend a cent of the money at that time, but I did collect good and strong things in my account character. I'm great, right?

After time passed, Bagas always made the same joke, namely, "Why did you become the guild leader, anyway. Tiara should be the leader," even if he said that he didn't mean to expel me from his guild. I know why he always said that, it's because my guild became famous and made him dizzy.

And in the end, after I played the game for 9 years, my account was hacked by the person on that stage.

"But now… he's changed, I don't recognize him."

I realized again that I had always been well cared for by him, Bagas, even though I had stopped playing the game.

The tournament resumed, and Dark69 took off his mask.

"He…." I looked closely at him on the holographic screen as well as on this screen and wanted to see the face that had hacked my account.

The spectators around the stage as well as in the modern bar became tense.

And at that moment, when Dark69 showed his face, I was surprised to see his handsome face, and accidentally I hit the table and stood up. He is like a rich man who has abundant wealth, even his face looks so bright, I'm sure any woman will fall in love with him the first time he sees his face. I was really surprised to see him because his face wasn't that different from mine… I mean, so different from mine.

The audience's voice rumbled, glad to see Dark69's face since he became number one in Indonesia.

"Here it is… the face of Dark69," said the male host.

"Wow, I didn't expect him, he's so handsome," said the female host. "He has a charismatic ability to captivate the hearts of women, even I was attracted to him. Kyaa…" The female host's face blushed and her face flushed red.

"I was also captivated by him. Kyaa…." Somehow the male host also blushed and his face flushed red.

"Someone is in my room. I have to log out now."

Upon hearing those words from my boss, I panicked and saw my hand accidentally pressing the remote.


This remote is none other than the ERVION Remote. This remote is used to call from outside when someone is playing the game, and that person will be given a notification that someone is calling that outside. And me, I accidentally used this remote and called my boss as I hit the table.

At that moment, my boss logged out and the monitor screen changed to the ENTER OF ADVENTURE logo display. I immediately took out my earphones and put that in my pocket. However, it was too late because my boss was awake from her sleep and was taking off the ERVION Helmet.

"Who is there?" My boss smoothed her long hair and shook it off.

"Aa… this is bad." I turned into a statue. "I'm a cat, so ignore it."

"Oh, cat… wait!" My boss looks at me and checks her clothes. "You…"

At that moment, her face flushed red because I was embarrassed that I was there in her room. And a few moments later, she threw the ERVION Helmet towards my head.

"Kyaa…." She is screaming.