Run For Life

"I told you, he started it first." Rifai pointed at me.

"No, police officer. I didn't start at all. He was the one who started it first, he hit me first."

"Do not listen to him! He was the one who suddenly came and asked me to pay for the goods he bought."

"You two, listen! You guys have all grown up and are not kids anymore, so why fight? Supposedly, you should give good examples to our future generations. Look at your faces, you are just like children," said the police officer, looking at our battered faces.

"Ah, about that. Take it easy, I have exemplified myself in my next generation," said Rifai, proud of what he was doing.

"What?" I am surprised. "What are you modeling that for? I-Is that a question of, how about good criminals?"

"No, that's not it, idiot!"

"Hey, stupid people don't deserve to say stupid to other people, stupid!"

"Shut up!"

After Rifai told me to be quiet, I saw a policeman behind this police pack. The policeman behind him was the one who was crying continuously while interrogating us.

Therefore, when he looked at me, I immediately waved my hand at him.

He came up to me and looked at us saying, "You guys..."

"Hello, sir," I said.

"Are you fighting because of your parents again? Sob!" He suddenly burst into tears.

"I told you, we are not brothers," said Rifai.

"How bad your fate is. Sob!"

"Listen, you two! Maybe if this guy interrogated you two, you would be granted relief because of your suffering. But, I'm the one who will interrogate both of you," said the police pack who was in front of me. "So, don't expect you guys to get away easily."

"You're exaggerating, Inspector Gio."

"No, I'm not overreacting, Inspector Budi. Their case is too heavy if I'm not like that, the shop is asking for compensation for what they have done."

"Hah?" Rifai was surprised. "Compensation?"

"What is it, Mas Rifai?"

"No, no, no, I don't have to compensate for their belongings, right. After all, people-"

"Tch, tch, tch." I shook my head, "you don't be like that, Rifai. You broke the shop's goods."

"You too, idiot! You broke it too."

"O-Oh, yes. Then, you just pay."

"What did you say?!"

"Sob! Their parents are very unfortunate. Sob!"

"Shut up!" Rifai glared at Inspector Budi.

"Hey, calm down!" said Inspector Gio, looking at Rifai. "Mas Rifai, you know your fault, right?"

"No, no, no. I'm innocent, I just wanted to buy a television. But… but suddenly this person came and destroyed everything," said Rifai while pointing at me.

"Not! I just came and asked to buy a computer only. But… but he suddenly hit me. So, he was the one in the wrong."

"You look just like high school kids, even though you are already adults."

What Inspector Gio said was true too — no, maybe more than high school kids, we're still like elementary school kids. Maybe, if other people saw it, they would think we were fighting. But it's not. We are when we meet it will be like this. Even so, we can still help each other. It's because we are friends.

"Anyway, Rifai's wrong," I said.

"No, no, no. You're the one in the wrong, Daylon! You must be compensated."

"What did you say? How could I have money?"

"Me too, idiot!"

"If you don't have money, then why are you there, huh?!"

"T-That's… it's because my television is broken. S-So, I want to buy a new one."

"Look, he has money. So, just blame Rifai!"

"What does money have to do with it, you idiot?!"

"You are compensated." I turned my face away.

"You bastard, Daylon..."

"You two, stop!" said Inspector Gio.

"How unfortunate is your fate... Sob!" said Inspector Budi with tears in his eyes.

You can see Inspector Gio looking at a paper on his desk. He seemed to be looking at our biographies and wanted to find out about us. And that's when it hit me that Inspector Gio stopped turning the paper over with a sweaty face.

"O-Oh." Inspector Gio turned slowly to Rifai. "Mas Rifai, it looks like you have been hit by a lot of cases huh."

Rifai was silent and looked down.

Because there was no answer from him, I answered him, "Yes, a lot."

"Shut up, you idiot!" Rifai said.

"Of the many cases here, there are only cases that almost got you imprisoned. That case is an Attempted Murder that was committed 11 years ago when you two were in high school. You are a very violent person, Mas Rifai."

"Yes, you know that, Mr. Police," I said as I poked my nostrils.

"Shut up, idiot! You don't understand the atmosphere at all, huh."

After Rifai said that, I looked at Inspector Gio with a sharp gaze as he said, "So, why are you discussing his past? Besides, he already apologized to the victim and my father who was responsible for it."

"N-No, I was just shocked to see your biographies, so I accidentally brought it up."

I told you before that Rifai is a former thug. The victim was his subordinate who was badmouthing me. Yeah, Rifai, who knew that, immediately got emotional and hit him mercilessly. And in the end, the victim was dying because Rifai was really emotional. Rifai was taken to the police station and detained there for several days. Because Rifai didn't have parents, I begged my father to help him. But… when my father released Rifai, my father asked Rifai to not be friends with me anymore. And at that time, I bought a device to play the game ENTER OF ADVENTURE. Several years later, after graduation, I became friends with him again and asked my father to buy him an EOA gaming kit as well. After that, Rifai was no longer a thug and instead became a thug in the game.

You know, when Rifai was emotion-like? He was like a demon who had lost control, and it couldn't be stopped. He sure is strong when he is serious, I lose if I have to fight him when he is serious. Even in the world of EOA games, I will lose even if I wear good attributes.

"Oh, here you are."

Suddenly a woman's voice was heard in my ear from the door. When I turned around, I saw my boss was walking towards my place.

Knowing my boss was walking towards my place, I turned to Inspector Gio and said, "She's the one who will be compensated."

"Oy! Why did you leave it to someone else?" Rifai said.

"Okay, I'll call the shop in question."

"Oy!" Once again, Rifai saw me. "What are you doing, Daylon?!"

When Tiara arrived at my place, she was greeted by Inspector Budi, who said, "You are a very kind, beautiful woman. Want compensation for what the two of them did. Are you an angel? Sob!"

"Eh?" Tiara was surprised while blinking several times. "W-What does this mean?"


In the end, Tiara must be responsible for what Rifai and I did. Tiara had to bow her head to the shop owner and apologized.

"Hey, Daylon!" Rifai said.


We were looking at Tiara and a party shop from a distance.

"You know, you're just giving other people trouble. Look, that woman even bows her head down because of you to this day."

"Ah, just let it be." I turned around and walked towards the exit. "It doesn't matter now. The most important thing now is… to run away from her." I ran fast

"Oy, a bastard, don't run!" Rifai also ran after me.