The end of the ordeal

Tang Ao was surprised by how much homunculi had gathered her in this academy without any detection. Tang Ao and even Raymond were already sweating a bit as they finished off another homunculus. These homunculi don't have any special abilities but their overall physical fitness was above all the other homunculi they had faced before. 

"How long before you can open that door?!" 

"Sir about five more minutes." The specialist shouted. 

"Tsk, I hope everyone inside is alright." Tang Ao clicked his tongue as another homunculus fell to his greatsword. 

"Why are you worrying so much Sir Hakai is in there, I'm sure no matter what tricks the b*stards use he would be able to safely protect everyone," Raymond responded while delivering a roundhouse kick to a charging homunculus. 

"I don't doubt Sir Hakai's abilities but even he might have some difficulty protecting everyone while dealing with whoever is behind this."