Cool Down Timers Suck, but Possessions are fun

As Zhen Liu attempted to enter the weird mind state and do...whatever the hell happens when he blacks out during these sessions, he was greeted by an error message of all things.

A literal error message appeared in his vision, while a computer-like voice began to read it.

Immediately beneath this message, was a timer counting down from 24 hours.

Zhen Liu's eye began to twitch at the sight.

'Formulas have cool down timers? How?!' {Refractory periods are unnecessary!}

'Great...'{Now blow me.}

Nepherage had already come to Zhen Liu's side as the latter argued(conversed?) with his brain buddy.

"I'm here milord. Need me to do anything extra?"

{Bend over}"No no, change of plans. Apparently we can't level you up yet...hmm."