A Date with the Devil(ish Girl)


Note, 31% of the [Voice of Lust]'s commentary has been muted in order to facilitate ease of reading and because it servednmo narrative purpose.

The remaining 69% has been deemed, and I quote,"too funny to remove".

We now return you to your regularly scheduled reading.



(Un)fortunately for Zhen Liu, Zhen Xing hadn't bitched out on purpose as he had initially believed. In reality, the dumbass had somehow fallen asleep in the middle of a bath the night before and had caught a wickedly bad cold. Therefore, Zhen Liu was the one to go see Bellona next.

Zhen Liu had initially looked forward to punching Zhen Xing in the face for being a bitch, but refrained against doing so once he had learned the latter had gotten sick.

This was partially due to it not being cool to punch a sick guy, but also because he didn't want to catch whatever Zhen Xing had caught.