A lovely day in the park...


We now return to present day where our protagonist is currently in the middle of regaling his potential match about the time he was almost vored by a giant mechanical murder snake.




Yes, that was intentional.



"...And that's how I ended up making this guy," Zhen Liu told Bellona while lightly touching his mammoth tusk earring (Frosttusk).

Earlier on this walk, Zhen Liu had told Bellona the story behind his funeral crash and how he went from Stone Claw's most famous(?) cripple to unexpected puppet[kaijin] master[lord], and was now regaling her with the tale of how he made Frosttusk. Bellona for her part mostly looked shocked.


"You look stunned."

Zhen Liu had just finished regaling Belona the misadventure of the Prospector's run, which rendered the latter speechless.