Surprisingly Jovial...lucky little...

After getting the hell out of the Corrada Family territory, including a close shave involving Telana Corrada outside what he hoped was a makeup shop, that mixes rattlesnake venom into their lip stain, the two of them had successfully made it to neutral territory.

"Phew! Now the Corradas have significantly less justification to beat the shit out of us... probably," Zhen Liu said while dusting off of his clothes.

"I've been meaning to ask this, but why haven't you nor the other three powers wiped each other out yet? Because it seems like that all of you are on the brink of all out street violence."

"Yeah...I honestly have no idea myself. I can tell you what I think as a whole while we're talking and walking. Still up for that meal?"

"Honestly? Very much so."

"Excellent. It's this way..."