The Drunkard's Lesson.

Zhen Liu stared a tad flabbergasted at the bravado of his apparent predecessor.For whatever reason, the man had climbed onto the table to give a rather dramatic speech. He also swore he heard the roars of kaijin coming from Anton or at least from the portrait behind him. While he could appreciate the dramatics to an extent, it was still a lot to a process in a short timespan.

With his speech now over, Anton dropped back into his seat and switched from drinking with a glass to just straight from the bottle.

Several heady, audible gulps could be heard as Anton chugged the wine jug at this point, somehow acquiring significantly more wine than what should be stored in a bottle of that size.


Once he was done, he let out a hearty belch and somehow turned back into a skeleton.

"Now then," Anton said as he placed the bottle back onto the table, a distinctive thud and sloshing sound occuring, "I do believe I made a promise to you, some months ago."