Tragedies are unexpected, downfalls are planned

Telana sat in a pensive mood as she digested the news her spies had just given her.

The Grand Elder of the Wolfe Family has returned an Aether Lord...whoopdifuckingdo.

"How long has it been since that old fucking mongrel fobbed off? Fifteen? Twenty years? And now he's gone and killed a fucking Diabolic Dragon... he's got something planned again, but what?"

The last time the Wolfe Family had machinations, a grand tragedy played out like the world's worst drama...


Once upon a time, a branch family from Roaring Tide fled to the the frontier of another continent.

No one knew why they had ran away, it was impolite to ask a fellow frontiersman their circumstances unprompted, but the moment this family had arrived to Stone Claw City, they flourished.