Welp, that's a new memory for the suppression vault

What the fuck?

These were the three words going through everyone's heads as of this moment, because they had no idea what the fuck was going on with the battle between Zhen Liu and Leech.

One moment, Leech was fighting Zhen Liu's mysterious shapeshifting frog puppet and almost got his teeth kicked in, but managed to reverse it after draining the life from several of his fellow warriors who were supposed to be his allies.

Then the situation got reversed again when the Fourth Young Master suddenly came in with a "drop kick" and sent Leech flying and away from his puppet.

Which was weird, because it was an aether puppet,they were expensive sure,but why risk one's life over it?

And then, for some possibly suicidal reason, the Fourth Young Master bear hugged Leech in conjunction with his puppet, even though it was established by the aether drained corpses that this was a bad idea...up until they saw Leech starting to...inflate.