...is to regret

"I mean... I know it's been a long time-"

"At least three decades, seven sons and seven weddings," Zhen Hua pointed out, "I'm honestly surprised we never had any daughters during that time frame..."

"My point is," Zhen Shi reasserted, "we left behind a lot of family and friends back in Roaring Tide. I know we did our best to pass on our culture to children, our heritage, but...I still think it would be good for the family if we brought them to homeland. See where the two of us came from, bury hatchets, you know? I will not lie dear, I always did regret not telling anyone what we were planning."

"Well we did elope, can't exactly tell others about that...then again, no one would believe me if I said I planned it."

(Un)surprisingly, the idea to run away together did not originate from Zhen Shi, rather it was all Bai Hua's idea. She was surprisingly thorough about it.

Zhen Hua paused and thought over the suggestion her dear husband had presented her.