Shocking Resolve

[Now try to hold on, hero! The power and the pain is only going to increase from here, especially since I can bypass all that pesky flesh and grounding an shock your soul directly, meaning you won't get the relief of numbing and burnt flesh,] the woman cheerfully said as the timer and meter behind her kept counting.

40 million volts...20 seconds.

70 million volts...16 seconds.

120 million volts...14 seconds.

260 million...13 seconds.

'AGGGGGGGGGHHH! IS THIS SERIOUSLY WHAT LIGHTING IS LIKE?! WHAT THE FUCK?!,' Zhen Hai screamed. This entire time he had been trying to use aether to try and reinforce his insides and stem the flow of electricity, but couldn't. It was like his aether was purely stagnant.

[What's wrong, heroic one? You don't have much time left on the timer. Only about a measley twelve seconds seconds, and you're already at 400 million volts! Just another six hundred to go.]