Abuzz with rumors of "amore"...but I'm busy with delivery.

The Zhen Clan and the Corrada are to be united by matrimony!

More specifically, The First Young Master, Zhen Hai, will be wedded to the First Young Mistress of the Corrada Family, Gianna.

A pairing no one saw coming, at all.

Zhen Hai has been known to be hot-headed, reckless and the type to have once rodeoed a Black Iron-Horn Bison into a porcelain ware store. Twice.

On the other hand, Gianna was mildly...whiplash, to say the least.

For the most part, she was known to be cold, calculative and a bit arrogant on the day to day and in the heat battle. 

When it came to the matters of love however, her personality was surprisingly sweet and caring.

Hence why a lot of people referred to her as being a rose with steel thorns.

Actually, when they put it like that, this match made a little too much sense.