Atelier Logos

=And here are the forge halls, well, technically crafting halls would be the correct term.= Logos presented after guiding Zhen Liu and Jin Fang through multiple halls and a upside-down staircase. Neither was certain how they got through that, but they learned to stop questioning this place. It was headache inducing.

'Huh...this is so viciously video game-like, it hurts,' Zhen Liu thought to himself as he saw the forge halls.

The three of them had entered a circular room with three distinctive doors, two on Zhen Liu's left and right and one right in front of him.

The door to his immediate left had a very simple wooden look to it, but one could see that drawn on to the wood frame was all sorts of mathematical formulas and strange doodles that depicted nonsense like combining a rat with a rock. Pictures on the front of the door was a bubbling cauldron.

'Alright so that's the alchemy room...wait, do I even have the skills necessary for that?'