Being enigmatic among the enigmatic

When Logos stated that he couldn't see the bottom text of the description window, Zhen Liu's brain immediately went to hypothesizing mode. In essence, thinking of every likely scenario as to why this happened.

'Deja Vu, thou art bitch...speaking of...'


Possibility 1: Time loops are bullshit.

There was a very small yet non-zero chance that he might have been living a new game plus state while... technically already being new game plussed, making it so he knows story beats and information about items and abilities way before they actually happen and/or become relevent to his current situation.

Granted, that seemed unlikely because Logos and Pathos were also walking, talking anomalous existences and they have yet to make any snarky timeline references or jokes.

Although he swore he heard something from Pathos earlier....
