Correlation does not mean causation

[Huh...I just realized something important,] Hurricroak stated, [I think this engagement meeting is about to go sideways...but not because of our lord.]

[Explain?,] Nepherage asked skeptically.


[Alright, so the first time our lord met Lady Alicia, she was being chased by bandits and almost got bad ended, and the second time they met, she almost got bad ended and then I came along to save the day. ~Duh, duh, duh~!]

[Debatable on the saving the day, but go on.]

[And when our lord met Lady Bellona, they got into a double whammy situation involving a bunch of gangsters and then a crazy cannibalistic cockroach man...who was then processed into a gourd, that is really fucked up in retrospect... although, that gangster guy should be fine now...]

[Your point, Hurricroak?,] Nepherage asked as she brought the aforementioned frog kaijin's mind back to the present.