Fake it till you make it, that's the kaijin way.

Zhen Liu had initially planned to don the mask from his mother's torture case and just communicate with the main branch..."ambassadors"...and negotiate with whomever was on the other end of this right there and then.

However, he realized just before doing so was stupid idea, since he had the natural topography behind him.

If there's one thing he remembered about spycraft movies, you do any negotiations in a generic looking dark room because that prevents better trained intelligence officials, and/or determined internet trolls, from ascertaining one's location based on environmental clues.

The saga of a certain flag and a certain internet forum was thoroughly ingrained in his mind.

That being said, unfortunately Zhen Liu couldn't just drag these two into the family's dungeons or into his own room without causing an equally bad uproar.

It was a bad look dragging a single person into a torture cell, it was an even worst look dragging into two.