One too many bodies

Back to the present...

<[Core of Opportunistic Survival] has been consolidated, please use at your earliest convenience.>

<[Core of Dogged Loyalty] has been consolidated, please use at your earliest convenience.>

"Huh, I guess it is true what they say, " Zhen Liu muttered while admiring his new cores, "you only get to know the measure of a man when life or death is made a choice...or something poetic like that, I am honestly surprised y'all believed the crap I said."



A little after concluding on how he was going to deal with his two "volunteers", Zhen Liu decided to do a little experiment before mindjumbling them and dumping them in the desert without any clothes except their underwear. 

=Shall I take these new cores into storage for you?=

'Wait, you can do that for me? I thought I'd have to go back into the room and pull it up myself.'