Morning After

"T-that's him! That's the Overlord!," Zhen Li shouted in fear as he stared at the masked man on the other side of the mirror.

While the conversation he and him shared was rather short, it did leave a profound impression on his psyche, one that he wished wasn't there in the first place.

Zhen Wang was stunned silent at the sudden reveal, but not so greatly that he lost his manners.

If there's one thing he learned over the years, is that etiquette and manners helped a lot in placating the tempers of those more powerful than himself.

"I can hear you loud and clear, sir. And may I say I am truly sorry for-."

"Shove it, I have no time for pointless pleasantries, placating words and sycophantic behavior," the masked man interrupted.

Then again, the other guy had to be somewhat receptive to such behavior in the first place.