Deep down, under the ground

"Oh come on, it's not that bad," Zhen Liu half-heartedly defended, "besides, it's...more convenient than stairs."

The means of which Zhen Liu and his kaijin were to travel down to the bottom of Insect Hell was a surprisingly modern method: an elevator.

Granted this elevator was done in medieval lift style, consisting of a giant wheel, an iron chain about as thick as an arm and a rather cagey looking platform, literally. It was better than nothing though. Plus, when Zhen Liu stared closer at the chains and platform, it looked as if it had been used recently, meaning that it was still operational and cared for... probably.

"Ya know...I think we can all fit on this platform thing without you guys having to enter carry mode," Zhen Liu stated as he got closer to the platform and opened the knee high door barrier and about to take a step.

Before he could however, Nepherage pulled him back by the shoulder.

"Milord. Let me go first."

"Huh? Oh...okay."