Planning the Abominable.

This wasn't the first time Zhen Liu had to deal with bullshit monstrosities, so when he entered the room, he immediately ducked behind a pile of remains.

The unexpected upside to raiding a man-eater's lair of horrors: plenty of bone piles to hide behind.

'Fucking hell...this damn thing looks like something out of a Lovecraftian horror novel,' Zhen Liu thought to himself as he stared at the blobof bugs.

While there were probably more descriptive words he could have used to describe the abomination known as Grub, "lovecraftian" worked as a decent catch-all in this particular instance.

'Huh...I just realized with my luck, it's probably gonna be as racist as Lovecraft...hope he doesn't have a pet cat,' Zhen Liu joked about his situation as he observed the blob of flesh.

When the expected sass back from either his kaijin or Logos and Pathos didn't come, Zhen Liu immediately froze as he checked his connect to them.