Fire when ready!

"FUUUuuccckinGgGG DeGeeeneeeRrratess!," Grub cursed as the kaijin and zako kept attacking him...despite it not doing anything, "Illlll CooooOOnnnNsSUMmMeeeE yooooouuuUUUU AllLLLLLlL!"

The zako were bit too...non-minded to actually respond in anyway other than mindless aggression, hence why they didn't react in anyway other than continually firing off harassment shots while holding down his tentacles, but the kaijin on the other hand were a touch more complex and could understand the very real possibility of this guy counterattacking despite the onslaught...and eating one of them.

[Uhhh, milord? You done doing whatever it is you're doing back there?,] Nepherage asked in-between blasts of magma.

[We're kinda running out of steam here, maestro,] Hurricroak added between alternating blasts of weaponized thunder and lightning.

[I didn't hear a bell.]

[Except for Frosttusk, I think he's getting more amped by the second actually.]