...Once Accidental...

"WhhhaaaAAaat thee-"




"Ah! Papa's saber!"

As soon as Zhen Liu opened up the Godoku Gourd, all hell was let loose.

Actually, that's a misnomer, all Ragnarok was let loose.

From the Godoku Gourd's nozzle end came a massive blast of tri-colored aether and [Chaos] that carried aether signatures found only during natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, blizzards and category-five hurricanes...all at once.

This explosive blast of energy hit Grub directly in his everything while knocking Zhen Liu backwards and into Nausicaa, causing the two of them to fall over each other.

However, the "Ragnarok Shot" did not stop with hitting Grub...it kept going.

As the energy blast went through Grub, it eventually curves upward and hit the ceiling/carapace of the Spider Queen's Remains and then went through that...and the ground above that...