Money vs Power is no contest

While Zhen Liu couldn't put an exact figure on the amount of money he could get if he sold both the cores and essence as opposed to just using it himself in terms of this world's money, back home this was enough cash to buy out two of the biggest software companies of his world, and have their CEOs make out for his amusement, not that he would do that.

'Wait...can anyone in this area even afford to buy this shit? Can't exactly make scratch if no one several,' Zhen Liu realized once he stopped imagining himself as noveaue rich socialite with a big ass pool.

If he wanted to offload it, it would be too expensive for even the richest clan in the area to afford a drop...which was ironically his.

He could try piecemeal selling this stuff, but that would lead to questions on supply, how he managed to get so much and all sorts of issues.