A Meticulously Manicured Morning of Measured Magnificence

'Huh...I just realized something mildly fucked up.'

=What's up milord?=

'I have created two kaijin out of the concentrated desires of two leaders who used to be in opposition of my clan... is this slavery with extra steps?'

<=Not exactly, this was brought up before.=>

'It was?'



One fine morning, Zhen Clan estate...

"Damn, you'd think having your age reversed would help with some of this paperwork, but no. Work sucks no matter the age I guess," Zhen Shi grumbled while overlooking over some business documents.

As patriarch, it was his job to make sure the clan was running smoothly and that all of the business matters that was beyond the scope of his sons were taken care of. Unfortunately, he didn't really have the mindset for that kind of thing.