Caravan Daze

After that little incident with a kidnapped baby hippo, the Zhen Clan Caravan finally began it's journey to Pearl Tusk Harbor and it was...boring.

It took about a week to walk to Pearl Tusk Harbor from Stone Claw City uninterrupted, but going by caravan carts cut that time to at least half. However, that still didn't change the fact that this ride was essentially a long ass road trip.

"Nothing but sand...cactus...tumbleweeds...was that a cow skeleton?"

"I think that was a Tri-Horned Beast skeleton."


One would assume the caravan would be attacked by bandits what with all of the juicy loot they were carrying, or attacked by packs of wild beasts looking for a meal since several of the carts were pulled by tasty oxen carrying tastier aether medicines.

However, nothing of that sort happened.

Maybe the bandits were deterred by the fact the caravan was guarded by multiple Grandmasters and an Aether Lord.