Decisions have consequences, intended or otherwise

"Hey guys, I'm back," Zhen Liu greeted as he returned from his unspeakable activities. He wasn't ashamed of abusing the fact that he had an instant army on tap, he was ashamed of this world's medieval toilets.

"Welcome back Xiao Liu," Zhen Yue greeted.

"Sup," Zhen Hai added.

"Did y'all determine where we should drink and I answer all of your burning questions yet?," Zhen Liu asked with genuine curiosity. He might have used this moment to distract his cousins, but he figured it was light enough that it wouldn't be an issue.

"Well, sorta," Zhen Yue answered, "We managed to whittle the choices down between Hammerhead and Prawn-"

"After seeing a man straight up die of drink at the Sea Dragon," Zhen Hai interjected.

"Right, but the group was decidedly split about which bar to go to, so..."

"Rock, paper, scissors! Dammit!"

"Rock, paper, scissors! Dammit!"