A last ditch effort


The following scene has been removed from the work because it has been deemed too boring to open for a, to quote, "fucking flashback that spun out of control".

But to those who were curious as to what this scene entailed, it namely involved Victor informing Simos and Graff on how to meet with Miss Venus, how to dress and what to say and what not to say. There was even a trip to an underground tailor that proceeded to give the three of them new suits of clothes on a rush order.

It was all very "Pretty Woman" but with criminals instead of nobility.


On a side note, Miss Venus had five rules when it came to making a deal with her.

First, all goods must be present for the meeting. No IOUs and/or ledgers, either put up or shove off.

Second, all deals must be established by one of Miss Venus's "associates". Plausible deniability and filtering are a must.