Docks, why is it always docks

[Hurricroak, I understand that for the most part that this particular scheme seems to be becoming a passion project of yours, but are all these theatrics necessary?]

[If our lord's usual plans are anything to go off of? Yes, yes it is.]


[Thank you, Frosttusk. But with that said, Nepherage would you mind?]

[On it.]


[Thank you. Now, any other questions?]

[I got one,] Razor Maiden interjected, [why didn't we just have me and Spring punch Victor's lights out and steal his teeth? He could have squirreled away the girl like he did Mini.]

[Aye. Why didn't we?]

[There was non-zero chance that they kept Janice elsewhere and not in that guy's teeth. Besides, y'all seen the crime thrillers. It's never that easy.]

[But... we're not in a crime thriller.]