A moment of mercy, before a merciless slaughter

'Huh...on the one hand, I feel somewhat honored and happy that the kaijin weren't going to just murder everybody in the building and leave devastation in their wake, on the other... their delivery could use some work.


What the fuck?

As soon as the purple armored child finished his question, not a single person knew how to react, let alone, respond to this one very weird moment.

This wasn't the first time the shadows had outnumbered and surrounded somebody before.

Normally, such encounters would end with the target's complete and total surrender, they'd fight to the death as they succumbed to the poison coating the shadow's weapons, or... that was it.

They never had anyone offer them mercy, especially when the person making the offer was definitely outnumbered and was a nine year old child. Granted, the aforementioned child was accompanied by literal demons but they were surrounded too.