The Madness of {Desire}


There's this funny...thing about [Desire].

It can serve as the ultimate motivator, allowing one to take up the courage to conquer seas, the passion to help the dying and make the impossible possible.

But if you indulge in an [Desire] to deeply, you can very easily go mad because of it.

In that way, [Desire] could be considered the world's oldest narcotic.

It matters not how "noble" or "altruistic" a desire maybe, it can still drive one to madness, all the same.

Heroism can be suicidal.

Regret can devolve into despair.

Resolve can be...stubborn.


'That magma bitch should be here...but why does it feel wrong?,' Balos thought to himself as he arrived at his destination.

As Balos was making his way to this particular part of the formation's space, he made use of the red horned woman's aether signature as a guiding light/bullseye.