Groaning Kaijin, Wild Brawl

[Oh fuck me sideways, did they get their brains back together?,] Hurricroak complained while staring at the encroaching Blue Shadow leaders.

As of this moment in time, Hurricroak, Frosttusk and Nepherage were all in rather compromising positions. Whatever the hell happened while they were in the [Five Shadow Kings] formation, had considerably drained them of their stamina, their aether and even [Chaos].

While they weren't rendered unconcious from their experience, they weren't exactly feeling all too great at the moment and could only lay paralyzed as the four Grand Masters they had mentally tortured were coming straight towards them.

Surprisingly, the four of them still had their aether armor activated but from just how incredibly ragged/broken it looked in places, it was clear that they weren't in the most stable of mindsets. Mixed with the fact that they were still repeating certain phrases like broken records did not do anything to counteract that point.