Fate and Chaos, don't mix too well

'Guys, what the flying fuck was all of that?'

'Wait, what? Fate? What do you mean?'

=Not fate, [Fate]. Whomever that Venus lady is, she apparently got her hands on the [Fatestealer's Masquerade] formula. In the same way [Chaos Body Forge] let's you use [Chaos], [Fatestealer's Masquerade] lets her use...[Fate].=

'Right...but what does [Fate] do? Change your soul?'

=Not exactly, it's...=

<[Fate] is all about "inevitability", "predetermination" and "forgone conclusions", and ONE ANNOYING MOTHERFUCKER!>

=Kind of, it's also related to one's future potential and depending on how it's distorted can change "what will happen". Does that make sense?=

'Okay, cool, so there is yet another type of energy that defies the normal rules of aether and the universe to force certain things to happen, why is Pathos unusually angry?'