Butterfly effect: The Painter and a War

There is a theory in regards to chaos that one small action on one side of the globe can have massive ones in another part.

This is known as the butterfly effect.

The common example is that if a butterfly beats it's wings on one side of the planet, it causes a tornado to occur on the other side for no clear reason.

In essence, the smallest stone can cause massive ripples.

With this idea in mind, what happens when the butterfly in question is the walking embodiment of [Chaos]?



Hubert didn't know what came over him after he saw that unexpected riding star, but it caused him, nay, forced him to pick up his brush and palette once more and begin painting on a piece of vellum he bought once on whim.

The seller said it was made from the skin of a Starry Nightskinned ox, but he seriously doubted that claim.