It's a coincidence, I swear

'Fuck it, just wing it,' Zhen Liu told himself as his cousins kept staring.

As naturally and nonchalantly as he could, he denied everything.

"Last night...I don't think I did? Again, I was very much engrossed with modifying my puppets for the upcoming trip."

"Really? No sudden arrow or a flux of aether that caused the letter to appear in your hand?", Zhen Hai followed up.

"No. Honest," Zhen Liu lied.

His cousins stared at Zhen Liu a while longer, before just shrugging and believing him this time in regards to the ship being all weird without his intervention.

That didn't stop them from speculating a touch though.

"Could just be a massive coincidence."

Meanwhile, Zhen Li started making a few mental notes based on this interaction.

'So the Fourth Young Master's teacher has a reputation in regards to stuff like the ship suddenly transforming? Interesting...'