Always remember to lock the door behind yourself

[You do know only one of us had to be here for corpse removal duty, correct?]

[Si Amiga, but I was incredibly bored. That and I wanted to rifle through everybody's stuff.]

[Of course you do...what's Frosttusk's excuse?]

[Feeling...stiff... boiler']


While Zhen Liu was busy doing questionable shenanigans involving a magic gun and the newest fully formed kaijin to their group, Nepherage, Hurricroak and Frosttusk were tasked with dealing with the rat corpse turn garden bed in the cargo hold.

Technically only one of them had to be down there to either burn, steal or throw the damn thing overboard, but the kaijin had gotten used to being in each other's company. That and it was more entertaining than just sitting in their lord's lapel waiting for something to happen.