Unplanned Friendship

Mornings at sea are said to be the most pleasant thing in the world.

The smell of the sea spray.

The gentle serenade of wind and tide accompanying the cries of seabirds.

The swaying of the ship as it rides against the waves.

One would be hard pressed to find more pleasant conditions to wake up to.

"Ugh...my head..."

Then again, the people who believe this sort of romanticism have probably never woken up with a hangover or a splitting headache before.

Unfortunately for Zhen Gou, he had both.

"Guh...what the fuck happened last night? Why does my bed feel like a wooden table? And why does it feel like my head got smashed in with a war hammer...wait a minute...no..."

Zhen Gou looked about himself for a couple moments and soon realized he wasn't in his bed as he initially assumed, rather he was in the galley, hunched over one of the tables with an empty flagon in one of his hands.