Leisure and Learning go hand in hand

"Huh...I guess Captain Douglas was right. An exciting first day means a relaxing voyage."

"Yeah...could do without the horn though."


"Eh, I find it charming."

A full two days had passed ever since the incident in the cargo hold had occured and nothing as exciting had happened ever since then.

This wasn't necessarily a bad thing, an uneventful voyage was significantly safer than an eventful one, but that didn't stop people from getting just a touch bored.

This in turn lead to a lot of people, namely the Zhen Clan who were essentially guests in this ship, to just wander around in order to find something to do.

Granted, this time of leisure wouldn't be lasting for too long.

The initials estimation of time it would take for the Zhen Clan to get them to go from the Stampeding Bison continent to the Roaring Tide continent, placed the time at around a week and a half.