One Last Charge

As the bolts of lighting came crashing down onto his position, Marlancer couldn't help but think these warriors were crazy for using such a big technique, getting one of their own caught in the blast, just to get to him.

Granted, if Marlancer wasn't so entranced by the lighting, and the voices in his head, he would have noticed Frosttusk getting plucked out of the cage by Razorstella.

"Well now, pescado!," Hurricroak shouted, "this is my sure kill technique! So how you gonna escape?!"


[Sure kill?,] Razorstella asked, [This is the first time I've ever seen you use that art!]

[Shut up, it's for dramatic effect.]



As Marlancer thought of what to take as his next course of action, he began to hear an old voice for the third time...albeit...he felt as if this might be the last, or at least second to last.